License for Placement of repair technicians (non-seafarers)

What is Non-seafarers License?

License for Placement of repair technicians (non-seafarers) on foreign flag ships

License for Placement of repair technicians (non-seafarers)

A non-seafarer license is issued by the Directorate General of Shipping under the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. This license is called as E-migrate access approval for placing non-seafarers on rigs, mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs), mobile offshore barges, accommodation barges, or any non-propelling vessels that are navigated by being towed by other ships or tugs. location of the ship can be at Indian water or international water regardless of vessel flag.

A Non-seafarers License refers to a license granted for the placement of repair technicians, engineers, maritime security officers, doctors, specialists, surveyors(non-seafarers) on such ships. 

This license enables recruitment or shipping firms to place skilled technicians, surveyors, and ship security personnel on vessels, engaging in tasks like ship repair, ship security in piracy-prone areas, and surveys. These individuals are temporarily assigned to ships to conduct specialized tasks. Please be noted that this license can also be utilized to place non seafarers on indian flag ships.

This license can be utilized for employing crew at inland vessels, and riverboats (such as yachts) located at foreign country coastal waters.

You may seek E-migrate access approval from DG Shipping to place the riding squad on a foreign and indian flagship.

The license ensures that crew placements comply with relevant labor and social standards, safeguarding the rights and welfare of these non-seafarer personnel.

As per the license terms, The duration of stay on board should not exceed 180 days in a year. The crew shall not be entitled to their sea service to be counted for CoC/CDC as otherwise applicable to the seafarers constituting the regular crew of the ship.

What is the procedure to obtain a non-seafarer license in India?

The following steps are involved in obtaining a non-seafarer license in India.

  • Documents: Organize all the required documents If the applicant meets all prerequisites for the non-seafarer License.
  • Application filling: An application is filed with all relevant documents and company details.
  • Application review: Government officers review the entire application, and the company is informed if any deficiencies are observed in the application to rectify the same before issuing the non-seafarers license. the officials verify and the accuracy of the submitted information scrutinizes the provided documents to evaluate the company’s capability to manage the recruitment of non-sefarers.
  • Approval: If everything is in order, the officers recommend issuing a Non seafarer License. However, if there are compliance issues, they may reject the application. 

Please be aware that while no physical inspection is required for obtaining a non-seafarer license, however an inspection at the office premises is necessary for obtaining an RPSL License and acquiring DOC (Documents of Compliance).

What are the requirements to apply for a Non-seafarer License?

Following are the requirements for obtaining a Non-seafarers license:

  1. Company registration documents(Incorporation certificate, MOA, AOA, PAN card)
  2. Business office address proof
  3. Contract or work order with the employer/ship owner of the ship.
  4. Bank guarantee

What are the bank guarantee requirements for the non-seafarers license?

The bank guarantee requirement for obtaining a non-seafarer license is similar to that of obtaining an RPSL license. The bank guarantee needed is based on the proposed number of non-seafarers to be placed on ships per year.

Sr. No.A number of Non-SeafarersAmount (Rs)
10 to 5010 lakhs
251-25015 lakhs
3251-50020 lakhs
4501-75025 lakhs
5751-100030 lakhs
61001 and above40 lakhs

What do u mean by non-seafarers?

Non-seafarers refer to individuals who are not part of the regular crew of a ship. They may include technicians, surveyors, and ship security personnel who are deployed on ships for specific tasks but do not perform the routine duties of seafarers. These individuals typically work ashore and are temporarily assigned to ships for specialized purposes such as repair work, security, or surveys.

Do I require non-seafarers license for placing riding squad on Indian flag vessels?

Yes, you need a Non-seafarers license to place a riding squad on Indian flag  non-propelling vessels.

How long does it take to obtain a non-seafarer license?

The entire non-seafarers license process typically takes 3 months, subject to many ifs and buts.

Are non-seafarers covered under vessel P&I?

Non-seafarers are not covered under vessel P&I (Protection and Indemnity) insurance. Only vessel operations crew members are covered under vessel P&I. Separate insurance coverage must be purchased to cover medical expenses, death benefits, and disability compensation for non-seafarers.

Is it required to obtain MLC certification for placing repair technicians on ships?

Non-seafarers are outside the scope of the MLC. However, ship owners may require MLC certification from the crewing agency to place repair technicians on ships. MLC certification is not mandatory for obtaining a non-seafarer license from DG Shipping.

Is it possible to hire repair technicians, surveyors, or maritime security officers using my current RPSL license?

No, the recruitment of repair technicians, surveyors, and maritime security officers is not allowed under the RPSL license.

Which types of crew can be placed under a non-seafarer’s license (E-Migrate access approval)?

Persons working on the following types of ships/crafts in various capacities in international waters for shorter durations, typically less than 180 days, can join through a non-seafarer’s license (e-Migrate system access approval). They can obtain departure clearance at the Indian immigration checkpoint for joining these vessels:

Oil platforms/rigs
Harbor ships/crafts operating within harbor limits

Sailing vessels or fishing vessels
Inland vessels at foreign countries
Pilot vessels
Lighthouse/navaid tenders
Defense department vessels
Mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs)

Individuals working on the above types of vessels are not required to hold CDC/CoC/STCW certificates. Consequently, they fall outside the purview of the Maritime Labour Convention. Although they must go through the e-Migrate system to obtain departure clearance at the Indian immigration checkpoint for joining these vessels, the emigration reference number is generated by the company holding the non-seafarers license and is verified at the immigration checkpoint. No FORM-1 copy is needed, which is otherwise mandatory for seafarers working on merchant ships.

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