Explore intellectual property services that matter most to your brand.

Legal Babu can help you protect your intellectual property by registering a trademark, copyright, or patent. Easily and affordably register a trademark or copyright, or apply for a patent. Start now!


Trademark Registration

Secure legal protection for the exclusive rights to your logo, brand name, slogan, or symbol that identifies your product, services, or business. Upon receiving the application number, you can start using TM. Once it is registered, you can use ®.


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Trademark Renewal

If it's been nine years, it's time to renew your trademark registration. Renewals are due every 10 years after registration. If renewal is not done on time, You will most likely lose legal rights to your trademark.


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Logo Designing

Your logo is the face of your business identity. Your logo says a lot about your brand. Our logo design experts will create a professional logo that is tailored to your company's needs.


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Expert Trademark Review

Save time and money. Let’s have an expert opinion on the availability of your chosen mark. We recommend this service when you are not sure if your chosen mark is available for usage or when you have multiple names to choose from.


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Copyright Registration

Copyright helps establish ownership, protect and enhance your rights over creative works of art like books, software, music, video recordings, artwork and more.


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Patent application

A patent application contains a description of the invention as well as at least one claim aimed at defining it, establishing initial protection, and prohibiting commercial exploitation by others.


Design Registration

Design registration grants the creator exclusive rights to use the design commercially for ten years, which can be extended for another five years.

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