Register your Trademark in class 9-Instruments

Trademark Class 9 - Computers, Software, and Electronics

What is Trademark Class 9?

Trademark Class 9 encompasses a broad range of computer, software, electrical, and scientific products. This class includes apparatus and instruments used in research, IT solutions, and life-saving technologies. If your business deals with electronic devices, data processing systems, or software, registering under Class 9 can help protect your brand.

Goods Covered Under Trademark Class 9

Trademark Class 9 includes various technological and scientific goods such as:

  • Scientific, navigation, and measuring instruments – Devices used in laboratories, research, and industrial applications.
  • Optical and photographic equipment – Cameras, cinematographic tools, and related accessories.
  • Electrical and electronic apparatus – Devices used for conducting, switching, accumulating, and regulating electricity.
  • Computers and software – Computer programs, mobile applications, operating systems, and firmware.
  • Data storage and recording devices – CDs, DVDs, USB drives, and cloud storage solutions.
  • Communication devices – Mobile phones, tablets, and related accessories.
  • Life-saving and security equipment – Fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and emergency signaling devices.
  • Office and business machinery – Cash registers, automatic vending machines, and calculating machines.
  • Sound and image processing equipment – Speakers, headphones, microphones, and projectors.

Coordinated Trademark Classes

Certain products may belong to multiple classes based on their nature and functionality. Businesses should consider the following coordinated classes:

Items Excluded from Class 9

Certain products, despite their technological components, are classified under different trademark categories:

Examples of Popular Trademarks in Class 9

Many leading brands have registered their products under Class 9, including:

  • Apple – Computers, keyboards, printers
  • Boat – Earphones, headphones, Bluetooth speakers
  • Google – Computer software, search engine technology
  • Microsoft – Computer programs, operating systems
  • Samsung – Computer hardware, electronic devices
  • Facebook & WhatsApp – Instant messaging software
  • Casio – Calculators, digital devices
  • Intel – Microprocessors, computer chips

Goods Classified Under Trademark Class 9

Here is a list of all trademark goods that fall under Class 9 protection:


Trademark Class 9 is crucial for businesses dealing with electronic, computing, and scientific products. Registering under this class ensures exclusive rights and legal protection against infringement. LegalBabu, a trusted trademark registration consultant, can guide you through the process, ensuring seamless protection of your intellectual property.

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