Register your Trademark in class 8-Tools

Trademark Class 8 - Hand Tools and Implements

When registering a trademark, goods and services are classified into 45 different categories known as "classes." Trademark Class 8 specifically covers hand-operated tools and implements, including cutlery, side arms, and razors. This classification is essential for businesses dealing in non-electric hand tools to ensure proper trademark protection.

What Falls Under Trademark Class 8?

Trademark Class 8 primarily includes hand-operated tools and implements used for various purposes such as construction, landscaping, household use, and personal grooming. Here are some key categories within this class:

1. Hand Tools and Implements

  • Hammers
  • Axes
  • Chisels
  • Crowbars
  • Saws
  • Screwdrivers

2. Cutlery and Silverware

  • Kitchen knives
  • Table knives
  • Forks and spoons (made of precious metals)
  • Carving knives

3. Razors and Grooming Tools

  • Razors (including disposable razors)
  • Electric shavers (hand-operated)
  • Hair clippers

4. Side Arms

  • Swords
  • Daggers
  • Knives

Coordinated Classes with Trademark Class 8

Some products and services relate closely to Class 8 but belong to different trademark classifications. If your business covers multiple product lines, you may need to register in additional classes, including:

What Is Excluded from Trademark Class 8?

Trademark Class 8 does not cover products that require motorized or electrical operation, nor does it include tools specifically used for medical, automotive, or firearm applications. Some exclusions include:

Famous Brands in Trademark Class 8

Several well-known brands have secured trademarks under Class 8 for their hand tools and implements. Some examples include:

  • Gillette – Razors and shaving tools
  • Bosch – Hand tools
  • DeWalt – Clamps, screwdrivers, hand tools
  • Hitachi – Hand tools and implements
  • Bajaj – Cutlery, hand tools, and instruments

Goods Classified Under Trademark Class 8

Here is a list of all trademark goods that fall under Class 8 protection:


Trademark Class 8 is essential for businesses dealing in hand-operated tools, cutlery, razors, and side arms. Registering your trademark under the correct class ensures legal protection against infringement and builds your brand identity. If you need assistance with trademark registration, consult LegalBabu to secure your intellectual property rights.

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