Register your Trademark in class 31-Agriculture

Trademark Class 31 - Agricultural and Horticultural Goods

When registering a trademark, it is essential to classify goods and services correctly. The Nice Classification (NCL) system categorizes trademarks into 45 different classes. Trademark Class 31 primarily includes agricultural, horticultural, and forestry products that are in their natural, unprocessed state.

What Falls Under Trademark Class 31?

Class 31 covers products that have not undergone any form of processing for consumption. This includes:

  • Raw and unprocessed agricultural, horticultural, and forestry products
  • Live animals
  • Fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs
  • Seeds, bulbs, and seedlings
  • Natural plants and flowers
  • Animal food and pet treats
  • Malt

Coordinated Trademark Classes

Since Class 31 is specifically for unprocessed agricultural and related products, other related goods and services fall into different trademark classes:

Exclusions from Trademark Class 31

Some products related to agriculture and animals fall under different trademark classes, including:

Examples of Popular Brands in Class 31

Several well-known brands have registered trademarks under Class 31, including:

  • Pedigree – Dog food and pet treats
  • Drools – Animal food
  • Whispering Homes – Dried plants for decorative purposes
  • Interflora – Natural plants and flowers
  • Krishidhan Seeds – Agricultural seeds

Goods Classified Under Trademark Class 31

Here is a list of all trademark goods that fall under Class 31 protection:


Trademark Class 31 is crucial for businesses dealing in raw agricultural products, live animals, pet food, and related goods. Proper classification ensures legal protection and brand exclusivity. For expert guidance on trademark registration, consulting professionals like LegalBabu can streamline the process, ensuring that your brand is safeguarded under the correct classification.

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