Register your Trademark in class 23-Yarns

Trademark Class 23 – Yarns and Threads

Trademark classification plays a crucial role in registering and protecting a brand under the appropriate category. Class 23 specifically covers yarns and threads for textile use. Understanding this classification is essential for businesses in the textile industry to ensure proper trademark protection and avoid legal conflicts.

Scope of Trademark Class 23

Class 23 includes various types of yarns and threads intended for textile applications. These encompass natural and synthetic fibers used in weaving, embroidery, knitting, and other fabric-related processes.

Coordinated Classes with Class 23

Items Excluded from Class 23

Some threads and yarns are categorized differently based on their function and material. For example:

  • Threads designed for non-textile purposes (classified by specific use)
  • Non-textile threads classified by material composition

Key Products Covered Under Trademark Class 23

Class 23 includes a wide range of yarns and threads, including:

  • Natural Yarns: Cotton, wool, silk, linen, hemp, and camel hair yarns
  • Synthetic Yarns: Rayon, polyester, and chemical-fiber threads
  • Specialty Threads: Elastic, embroidery, fiberglass, ceramic fiber, plastic, and metal fiber threads
  • Industrial Yarns: Carpet, coir, sail, and waxed threads

Prominent Companies Under Class 23

Several leading textile businesses have registered trademarks under Class 23, such as:

  • Alok Industries Ltd – Yarns and threads of all kinds
  • Arvind Mills – Yarns and threads for textile use
  • Vardhman – Yarn, wool, and threads of all types
  • SRF – Fiber yarns and fiber threads
  • Welspun – Various textile threads and yarns
  • Trident – Textile yarns and threads
  • Nahar Spinning – Comprehensive range of yarns
  • Raymond – Woolen yarn and threads
  • Rupa – Textile-based yarns and threads

Trademark Registration Process for Class 23

  • To register a trademark under Class 23, businesses should follow these steps:
  • Conduct a Trademark Search: Check for similar or identical trademarks to avoid conflicts.
  • Prepare and File an Application: Submit a trademark application with the required details.
  • Examination by Authorities: The trademark office reviews the application for compliance.
  • Publication for Objections: If no objections are raised, the trademark is published in the official journal.
  • Final Registration: If no opposition is filed within the stipulated period, the trademark is registered.

Goods Classified Under Trademark Class 23

Here is a list of all trademark goods that fall under Class 23 protection:


Trademark Class 23 is vital for businesses dealing in yarns and threads, ensuring brand recognition and legal protection. Proper registration under this class safeguards a company's intellectual property, preventing unauthorized use by competitors. Consulting trademark experts like can streamline the process and enhance the chances of successful registration.

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