It’s your creation. Keep it safe

Registering a copyright helps in securing your rights over your creative work. Register your copyright Online.


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What is copyright registration?

Copyright is a type of an intellectual property right confers upon its owner, Copyright is an exclusive right granted by the law to creators or the owner of original work to protect his work from being copied, exploited. It provides rights of reproduction, communication to the public, adaptation and translation of the work. 

Copyright protections cover original work of writers, artists, designers, dramatists, musicians, architects and producers of sound recordings, cinematograph films and software developer, thereby protecting and rewarding creativity.  

Work must be original, it must contain a minimal level of creativity on the part of the author or creator and it must be in “tangible form.” Ideas themselves can’t be copyrighted.

 When you have a registered copyright, you can control exactly how your intellectual property is used, published and distributed, or presented to the public. You can prevent others from using it for their own purposes. If someone tries to copy your original work, you can sue them in a court, because you have claimed your right to your intellectual property by registering your copyright.

Simply put: copyright protection extends only to an author’s/creator’s original, creative contribution to a work.

You may learn copyright categories 

Documents Required for Copyright Registration

  • 2 copies of the work (01 copy if work is published) 
  • Power of AttorneyA letter required on Rs. 100 stamp paper authorizing Legal Babu to file copyright application on your behalf.
  • In case of multiple creators involved-No Objection Certificate (NOC) or an agreement is required from all persons involved in the creation of work. 
  • NOC/Agreement from the publisher if publisher is other than the applicant.
  • Board resolution/authorization letterIt is required if the applicant is a company.
  • General information of the work to be copyrighted
  • Id proof of applicant.

Why register a copyright?

Legal Protection

Copyright registration serves as evidence in the court of law over ownership of your original work which may include books, songs, articles, photographs, and other creative works that exist in a fixed and tangible form.

Creators of original works always enjoy legal protection over their work, copyright Registration protects original work against any infringement.

Benefits creativity

Creators of original work like Authors, architects, artists, choreographers and other creative professionals all benefit from copyright registration.

Enhance your rights

Registering a copyright establishes a public record of your copyright claim, it helps prove your ownership of your creative work, and you can sue them for copyright infringement if someone copies your work.

Copyright owners have the exclusive right to reproduce the work in any material form including the storing of it in any medium.

Market Presence

By registering a copyright, a public record of your work is created, which means a proof of ownership is established for your creative work. It can also be used in marketing and for building goodwill.

Add Value

A copyright registration creates an intangible asset which means you can sell it, franchise it or can be commercially contracted.

Have questions about copyright registration?

We have got you covered.

  • Is it mandatory to register a copyright?

    No, a copyright registration is not mandatory in India, however by registering a copyright you get legal protection against someone copying your original work, and it act as prima facie evidence in the court, you can file a case in court of law against the commercial exploitation of your original work.

  • What is the validity of copyright registration?
  • What is the difference between copyright license and copyright assignment?
  • What should I do if someone uses my creation when my copyright application is under process?
  • Is Copyright registration in India also valid in Foreign Countries?
  • Should I Trademark or Copyright my Logo?
  • What is not protected by copyright?
  • Does copyright apply to titles and names?
  • Whether unpublished works are registered?
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