Copyright Category

Copyright application can be filed under following categories

Literary work Artistic work Cinematograph Film Sound Recording Musical Work Computer Software Dramatic Work
books, e-books, manuscripts, novels, poem, theses letters, catalog articles, song lyrics, advertisement copy, instruction manuals, film scripts, articles, Websites and web content, computer databases, computer programs paintings sculptures graphics cartoons etchings lithographs photography drawings plans maps diagrams charts and models of buildings Molds, casts and sculptures: engraving brand symbols labels packaging, and logos Any recorded work with moving visuals or images will be considered a cinematograph film Recording must be fixed, which means sounds must be captured in a medium (a digital track, phonograph disc, cassettes, CD, flash drives, tape, or other format) from which they can be perceived, reproduced, and communicated either directly or with the aid of device or machine.
Following are some examples of sound recordings:
  • A person playing a musical instrument or singing a song
  • A person delivering a lecture or reading a book.
  • A group of people performing a radio play or hosting a podcast
  • A person speaking, a dog barking, a bird chirping, wind chimes ringing, or other sounds from the natural world (assuming the recording contains a sufficient amount of production authorship)

A sound recording Copyright does not protect the sounds recorded in a motion picture, concert video, music video, or other audiovisual work.

Any work of music or musical composition (musical notes, melody, chords, rhythm, harmonies, and song lyrics) that includes any graphical notation of such work but does not include any words or compilations of musical works, written music, or any action intended to be sung, spoken, or performed with music

The composer and the lyricist are usually the authors of musical compositions.

A song can be protected under two categories: words in songs can be copyrighted under literary work, whereas music can be copyrighted under musical work. If both music and words are written by the same person, then he or she is entitled to own copyright in the song.

Computer software or programme can be registered as a ‘literary work’, which includes tables and compilations, including computer databases. ‘Source Code’ and “Object Code” must be provided with the application for copyright registration of software products.

Please note that ideas, program features or logic, algorithms, systems, methods, concepts, functions, layout, designs, physical form, or hardware are not protected under copyright. An author of a computer program has copyright protection from others duplicating the same program code, but not from others writing different code to achieve the same or similar result.

Website as a whole (‘look and feel’) is not protected under copyright, as websites usually consist of different components in different formats. , applicant is required to submit a separate application for each component of website, like computer databases or web content (literary works"), web pages (literary works”), photographs, paintings, diagrams, maps, charts, or plans (“artistic works"), works consisting of music and including graphical notation of such works (“musical works"), “cinematograph films" and “sound recordings”.

An app can be registered as a computer program under literary works; registration will cover any screen displays generated by that program; mere snapshots of screen displays of an app are not eligible for copyright protection unless a computer program (code) is submitted by the applicant.

Dramatic works include any piece for recitation, plays, screenplays, scripts, choreographic shows, mine, dance, and scenarios for a film (but not the film itself).

Dramatic works may include spoken text, a plot, and directions for action.
A copy of the manuscript, printed copy, film or video recording, or phonorecord is required for the purpose of copyright registration under dramatic work.

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